Macking in Miami

Saturday, September 23, 2006


The game I choose to play is one where honesty and sincerity is key. So many guys miss the point when learning this stuff. I know I did and my game has come full circle where first I relied on money to pick-up girls to when I lost it all, relied on technique and gimmicks.

Truth is money is more powerfull then techniques and gimmicks but in the end every interaction feels like a transaction. So what I've learned is that money gave me a confidence needed in pick-up but I lacked social skills to pick-up girls who liked me for me.

This is where I learned alot from Mystery and David D. but throughout that learning process, I still felt like I wasn't being true to myself when approachng women. Now I focus on honesty and sincerity in my game and it has taken my game to a level beyond what I thought was possible.

And on top of that I use all of those techniques and gimmicks I learned from the gurus as tools at the appropriate moments of an interaction because my overall frame is "honesty" and "sincerity".

But being honest and sincere in an interaction can be difficult if you don't fully appreciate the 3 stages of and interaction. And that's what I want to help guys with.
